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David Keil - Personal Biography

David Keil was introduced to yoga in 1989 by his Tai Chi Chuan teacher. Both the Tai Chi and Yoga practice at the ripe age of 17 began his research into his own mind-body connections. His search continued through massage therapy where he discovered many insights and affirmations of what he had been exploring and finding on his own through his own practice. One of the most important elements was the specific understanding of the musculoskeletal system and how fascinating, beautiful, and amazing the body is on the scientific level, and how that directly played into and off of his own understanding of the human body. He was given names and explanations for some of the things he had been experiencing and feeling. Check out his YogAnatomy DVDs, Hands-On Adjustments DVD, and Functional Anatomy of Yoga book to deepen your own experience of your body.
David has a private practice where he uses bodywork techniques to relieve chronic pain. A Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, David has taught seminars in Body Mechanics for Massage Therapists and has also worked with other local and national audiences. David's current personal yoga practice is Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. Since 2002 he has had the honor of studying with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore (he has traveled there every year since), as well as with John Scott, author of Ashtanga Yoga, with whom he also has the extreme honor of teaching. David is authorized to teach Ashtanga vinyasa yoga by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.